Finding Strength in Weakness: A Lesson from 2 Corinthians 12
Rev. Sammy Frame

This week, Pastor Sammy Frame invited us to explore a profound concept – the relationship between our perspectives and our understanding of both the universe and our faith. Using fascinating insights from the field of physics, such as Einstein’s theory of relativity, he illustrated how our viewpoint can dramatically shape what we perceive as reality.

Shifting to the spiritual, Pastor Sammy pulled from Paul’s writings in 2 Corinthians 12, where Paul speaks about boasting only in his weaknesses. Paul’s teachings challenge us to see that true strength is found not in our might, but in our frailties and dependence on God. Pastor Sammy emphasized that it’s through our struggles and suffering that God’s power is most prominently displayed, paralleling the ultimate example of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

This message is especially pertinent in today’s world that often glorifies power and self-sufficiency. By adopting a cruciform view of life, we align ourselves with Jesus’ example, recognizing that in our weakest moments, God’s strength is most apparent. Embrace weakness, for there God’s power is revealed.

If you missed Pastor Sammy’s sermon, we encourage you to watch to the recording and reflect on how you can apply these insights to your daily life.

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